Canadian dollar

Canadian dollar loonie

Why the loonie shot higher. And what it means for you

The Canadian economy is back in high gear and global markets have taken notice

The Canadian dollar has taken a beating, and with good reason

Currency speculators see a lot they don’t like about Canada’s economy, from trade to real estate. Their negativity might be overdone, but not by much.
Inside The Life Fitness Manufacturing Facility Ahead of Durable Goods Orders

Why Canada’s sluggish economy spells trouble for the U.S.

Canada’s poor performance is hitting where it hurts, below the border
Andrew Leach01 – Uncropped.jpg

The loonie, oil’s crash, and why this isn’t anything like 2008

As you watch the oil price, keep the Canadian dollar in mind before you hit the panic button

The loonie is in free-fall

Your top financial and economic news for Oct. 15

Canadian home prices keep going through the roof

Your top financial and economic news for Sept. 15

Just how indebted are Canadian households?

Your top financial and economic news for Sept. 12.

Worried about gas prices? Blame the Canadian Dollar

A weaker currency may help boost exports, but it means domestic prices, like what you pay at the pumps, will rise
Pauline Marois

Could an independent Quebec use the loonie?

The Euro crisis exposed why a monetary union between the ROC and Quebec wouldn’t work