Famous Canadians on beliefs they held that were upended by 2020Maclean’s asked notable Canadians what this crazy, awful year proved wrong
Build pipelines or curb emissions? Canada can do both.Mark Cameron argues for pipelines and, at the same time, a concerted effort to meet climate targets
David Suzuki compares oil sands industry to slaverySuzuki dismisses economic arguments for oil sands as ’immoral’
Why David Suzuki called Justin Trudeau a twerpEnvironmental crusader tells his side of a conversation about the Liberal plan for the environment
Encyclopedia of the oil crash: E is for Energy East pipeline...and election, environmentalists, ethical oil, and exports. View this and more in our encyclopedia of the oil crash
Letters: More Chris Hadfield, less Rob Ford, pleaseMaclean’s readers have lots to say about the top newsmakers of 2013
The nature of David SuzukiIn his final stretch, the world’s most famous environmentalist is beset by doubts and doubters
7 Canadians with more than a dozen honorary degreesTop marks for these scientists, politicians, judge and author
5 Canadians other Canadians would most want at their Canada Day BBQsWhich songstress beats Bieber? And which iconic Canadian claims top spot?