
Prime Minister Jean Chretien, with his wife Aline, during a campaign stop in November 2000.(Fred Chartrand/CP)

If this election is the ’most important,’ which one was the least?

The leaders would have you believe every vote is a battle for the soul of the nation. History tells us otherwise.
Elxn Ont Municipal 20181022

Was London’s ’pioneering’ ranked-ballot election a success?

The Ontario city was the first in Canada to elect its municipal leaders without first-past-the-post. But was it worth the extra cost?
Ontario Progressive Conservative leader Patrick Brown addresses the 2018 PC election Candidates and their campaign teams for the 2017 Ontario PC Election Readiness & Policy Convention at the

What America can teach Canada about its broken leadership systems

J.J. McCullough: If there’s a fix to Canada’s messy system of choosing leaders, it’s in the U.S. where party membership is free and open to all
A voter enters a polling station for the Federal Election in Toronto (Mark Blinch/Reuters)

Should older people lose the right to vote?

Some have argued that disenfranchising the elderly would allow younger people to make decisions about their future, but is it really that simple?
SaskElxn 20160404

In Saskatchewan, Brad Wall’s Prairie fire rages on

Despite an aw-shucks demeanour, a predictable election night reasserts Brad Wall’s might in Saskatchewan
Kirk LaPointe

Why I ran and how I lost: Kirk LaPointe looks back on his Vancouver race

A first-hand, truly insider account of an unlikely, hard-fought and sometimes ugly race to lead Vancouver
Charles Koch

The U.S. midterm elections will be a battle of billionaires

Can a few of America’s richest citizens sway the outcome in critical races?
Pierre Poilievre

What might be problematic about the Fair Elections Act?

Questions about the bill begin to mount
Tim Hudak

Can Tim Hudak sell right-to-work in Ontario?

Or did his party just hand its opponents a silver bullet?

Is Michael Chong ready to challenge the system?

New proposals with the potential for major reform