
(Photos by Wade Hudson)

Why Wes Hall is betting on Black entrepreneurs

On Dragons’ Den, he’s known as “The Fixer.” That nickname holds true in real life, too.

Michele Romanow wants to be a helpful Dragon

The E-commerce entrepreneur talks about business risks—and earning her first dollar

Angel investing was always male-dominated. That’s finally changing

More women are entering the risky field of angel investing—and finding they thrive in it
Jordan Smith

He begged for a job with a cardboard sign

Entrepreneurial grads like him now find plenty of help
Student entrepreneurs

Canada’s entrepreneurial campuses

Six programs for ambitious undergrads
Baba Brinkman performs at The Soho Playhouse in NYC. Tuesday Oct 25th, 2011

Learning biz to the sound of rap

How Baba Brinkman is teaching M.B.A.s
Student entrepreneurs

Want to work for a startup?

Grads will be paid to work in poor cities
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The arts are useless and science is uncreative

Would you want your heart surgeon to be a ’creative entrepreneur’?
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Kitchen crusade

Peter C. Newman on a restaurateur to the rich who now wants to build schools in Africa
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China’s wealthy women

Yin, the owner of a paper recycling business, is the world’s richest woman