hate speech

Online hate speech in Canada is up 600 percent. What can be done?

Countries across the world are grappling with online hate speech through legislation. Is Canada about to join them?

The ethics of restricting speech on social media

There are good reasons for tech companies to prohibit hate speech on their platforms. But their status as private organizations is not one of them.


Hatebase: An anti-genocide app

An NGO hopes tracking hateful tweets can flag mounting ethnic conflict, and even prevent genocide

Was free speech in Canada in good shape before the Whatcott ruling?

Probably not. But the justices did get a few things right this time around.

The Whatcott case: Drawing a line between free speech and hate

The Supreme Court struggles to find a compromise

The Internet hates Section 13

Either Section 13 of the Human Rights Act had to go, or the Internet did.

Finding a rights balance

Finding a rights balance

The courts are limiting the powers of Canada’s human rights tribunals one case at a time

The resurrection of John Galliano?

The acclaimed designer is expected to return to the fashion world—anti-semitic slurs be damned

Will anonymity and hyperlinks be illegal in Canada?

How an obscure provision in a Conservative crime bill could change the Internet in Canada


Trial for former U of S prof charged with hate speech

Court date not yet set for Terrence Tremaine


Coulter: the she-devil in her own words

Maclean’s speaks with Ann Coulter


Coulter: the she-devil in her own words

COLBY COSH talks to Ann Coulter after the cancelled University of Ottawa event