Ken Dryden

dryden_ken © Sergey Smirnov 2017

Q&A: Ken Dryden on the Summit Series 50 years later

16 million out of 22 million Canadians tuned in for the final game in the legendary battle between Canada and the USSR
World Cup Of Hockey 2016 – Czech Republic v Canada

Ken Dryden on how Gary Bettman can help fix hockey

Hockey legend Ken Dryden on his new hockey book and the simple rule changes that could ease the number of concussions plaguing the sport.
Detroit Red Wings v Chicago Blackhawks

Here’s how Gary Bettman can fix hockey. It’s easy.

Hockey legend Ken Dryden on his new hockey book and the simple rule changes that could ease the number of concussions in his beloved game

Ken Dryden: The outrageous, embarrassing, unmissable problem with hockey

"Different decisions have to be made, and decision-makers have to be willing to make them."

Inside Ken Dryden’s hockey rink citizenship ceremony

The iconic former NHL goalie led 150 new Canadians in taking their oath of citizenship in the Ottawa Senators arena this week. This is what he learned.

Hockey legend Ken Dryden leads citizenship ceremony

On Monday, 150 people took the oath of citizenship in the most Canadian of places—a hockey arena

We Are Canada: The people who will help forge our future

Ken Dryden on the Canadians who show us what’s possible—and what Canada could be, as we enter its sesquicentennial

The eternal, futile quest for perfect democracy

Parliament returns amid some desire for change

Capital Diary: NDP celebrates Movember, Diane Finley loves kids’ TV

Mitchel Raphael on which MP had the winning Colonel Sanders moustache
Sask Unruly Passenger

Who the heck is Rod Zimmer?

With Senator Zimmer currently in the headlines, Aaron Wherry considers one obvious question (there are others, of course)