Pat Martin


Winnipeg’s amazing race

Nancy Macdonald on the battle between foul-mouthed NDPer Pat Martin and Liberal dreamer Robert-Falcon Ouellette
Canada’s Employment and Multiculturalism Minister Kenney speaks during Question Period in the House of Commons on Parliament Hill in Ottawa

Parliament in springtime: Our vibrant, tragic democracy

Summer arrives with everything still up for debate

The Year of Parliament

Aaron Wherry on 2013: Mark Warawa, Brent Rathgeber, the Reform Act and a tomato analogy
Greg Rickford

It hurts when you’re not invited to the party

Another way politics is like high school

5 Canadian myths that just won’t die

Our Book of Lists checked the facts on Canuck alcohol content, beaver parts, taxation and guns
John Baird

The Commons: The Conservatives run out of answers

And Pat Martin wonders where it all went wrong
Pat Martin

Pat Martin vs. The Justice Minister

The NDP MP alleges a breach of privilege
Pat Martin

’Kevin Page might well be the best friend the Canadian taxpayer has’

Pat Martin speaks to a conference of budget officers