
Conservative supporters try to block Climate Change signs before party leader Andrew Scheer's arrival at a rally in Annapolis Royal, N.S., on Sept. 20, 2019. (Frank Gunn/CP)

To win the next election, Conservatives need a credible climate plan

Ken Boessenkool: The 905 presents a massive opportunity for the Conservative Party, if they can come up with a climate plan that reels in accessible voters
Ont Elxn Horwath 20180521

The Maclean’s-Pollara Ontario poll: Only the NDP is gaining support

Paul Wells: Andrea Horwath’s New Democrats and Doug Ford’s PCs are in a dead heat now with voter perception of the leaders starting to settle
Justin Trudeau

Has Trudeau reached a tipping point? A new poll shows his support slipping.

An Abacus Data survey finds the PM’s popularity and Liberal support dipping, with the blame falling squarely on the disastrous trip to India
Womens March Canada 20170121

Want men to support feminism? Stop treating them as the problem.

Scott Gilmore: A new Chatelaine survey shows that men are no longer just a potential ally of women, the vast majority of them are already there

Why using social media might make you a better parent

Despite worries about distraction and oversharing, experts say good things happen online
baby doze top post

Abacus asks the big questions: Which leader would you let babysit?

Abacus Data asks some unique questions to get insight into the lighter side of politics: how Canadians perceive our leaders
Mulcair, Harper, Trudeau.(Chris Wattie/Reuters; Sean Kilpatrick/CP)

Abacus poll: Election race tightens as NDP support slips

New data finds the race is the closest it’s been between the three federal parties since May
Canada Post 20131211

Little downside for Tories in Canada Post cuts: poll

Those affected don’t vote Conservative, says Angus Reid survey