Rick Perry

President Trump Meets With Steel And Aluminum Manufacturing Industry Leaders Announcing New Tariffs

The Trump administration’s five dumbest economic ideas

Stock markets can erase national debt? Trump invented a decades-old economic theory last year? On both counts, not so much.
rick perry

What students are talking about today (Sept. 24 edition)

Texas tuition freeze, a stabbing & mandatory women’s studies
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Rick Perry to quit GOP race, endorse Gingrich

Candidate pool shrinks just two days before key Carolina vote
American idiots

American idiots

How did the campaign for the Republican 2012 presidential nomination turn into such a joke?
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B.C. student may have died of meningitis

Rare disease kills one in 10 who get it

The media hates Obama?

A new survey says Obama’s been getting a rough ride in the press

Wanted: a Republican saviour

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie might be the man. But is it too late for him?