
Trump Administration Imposes Tariffs On Canadian Steel

Free trade? Canada and the U.S. keep fighting about steel

Oct. 12: There may be a new continental trade deal on the table, but mutual steel and aluminum tariffs won’t just disappear
Cda Business 5 Things 20180701

The USMCA explained: Winners and losers, what’s in and what’s out

From online shopping to biologic drugs, we’ve sifted through the details with our eyes peeled for devils
Wynne Tour 20140207

Why did Donald Trump bring up the Chevrolet Impala?

The car he brought up amid high-stakes NAFTA negotiations has a long assembly history in Canada
Auto Sales June 20180704

What will happen if Trump slaps a 25 per cent tariff on Canadian-made cars?

It would be ’pretty disastrous’ for this country, say experts. But Americans would pay a steep price, too.

Canadians to Trump: Don’t mess with us

From Parliament Hill to city councils to grocery stores, Canadians are embracing a volatile anti-Trump movement
President Donald Trump Addresses National Federation of Independent Businesses 75th Anniversary Celebration

King Donald the Madman

Allen Abel in Washington: As the storm clouds close in on the White House, the U.S. president lashes out—at Canada, Mexico, Congress and immigrants
President Trump Signs Section 232 Proclamation On Steel And Aluminum Imports

Freeland says Trump’s tariffs are illegal, but don’t expect a U.S. court to listen

Legal experts explain why a World Trade Organization case, although slow, is a better bet than trying to use the U.S. law against Trump
Senate Foreign Relations Committee Meets With Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland

Can Chrystia Freeland talk some sense into the Americans?

Allen Abel reports from the U.S. Capitol, as Canada’s foreign minister (and ’Diplomat of the Year’) makes a desperate plea for U.S. restraint

A patriot’s guide to shopping during a Canada-U.S. trade war

Upset about Trump’s tariffs and Uncle Sam dragging its trusted allies into a trade war? Here’s how you can hit back at the U.S. with your wallet.
Loewith Cattle Farm As Increased Access To Canadian Dairy Market Urged

Will we really sacrifice the Canadian economy at the altar of the dairy industry?

Scott Gilmore: What was last week an issue of trade is now a question of patriotism in the face of Trump. But it won’t change the economic math.