Wayne Gretzky


Why won’t Wayne Gretzky pick up his Order of Canada?

The Great One was awarded Canada’s greatest civilian honour in 2009. But he hasn’t found time in his schedule to make the trip to Ottawa.
(Howe family)

When you’re Gordie Howe’s son, you learn some things

Dr. Murray Howe, in conversation with Wayne Gretzky, on being a good hockey parent, eating family dinners — and his father’s heart-breaking X-rays.

Wayne Gretzky on the love of his life

A rare sit-down with Wayne Gretzky who talks about what it takes to win a Stanley Cup, how NHL players have changed, and why he only ever wore used skates
Mourners And NHL Fans Attend Gordie Howe Visitation In Detroit

Wayne Gretzky’s silent tribute to Gordie Howe

Legions of fans, including Wayne Gretzky, pay tribute at Gordie Howe’s visitation
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Awarded Canada’s top honour in 2009, Gretzky has yet to pick it up

Agent says hockey legend has had trouble fitting an investiture ceremony into his schedule

Why businesspeople won’t stop using that Gretzky quote

Everyone wants to be like Gretzky and skate to where the puck is going. Good luck with that.

Good news, bad news

Pamela Wallin does the right thing, while the NHL enforces rules on shirttails

5 Canadians other Canadians would most want at their Canada Day BBQs

Which songstress beats Bieber? And which iconic Canadian claims top spot?
Why hockey is the smartest game in the world

Why hockey is the smartest game in the world

And how a good mind can turn the game upside down