Is our children learning?
Conservative MP Larry Miller finds a sympathetic high school civics teacher.
A student asked about prorogation and Miller defended and explained that decision. The civics teacher then remarked, “I didn’t know the word prorogue,” then added he doubted many had…
Scott noted former prime ministers Jean Chretien and Pierre Trudeau shut down government four and 11 times respectively with no fuss. “How come all of a sudden when he does it, Mr. Harper does it, everybody knows about it and there’s protests?”…
Miller blamed the media for prorogation criticism. He said the media have “worked it up” to “sell papers or sell TV shows.” “The national media needs a story in Ottawa and they didn’t have one,” Miller said, to which Scott expressed agreement…
Scott next asked Miller why opposition parties “give the impression they’re a little softer on crime.” They’re “not pro-criminal but they seem to look after the criminal as much if not more than the victim. What is that?”…
At one point, a student passed a note back to Scott, which he said informed him he was asking too many questions. Scott paused and invited students to ask any. Who’s your favourite hockey team? one asked. “Boston Bruins,” Miller replied.