The Liberal leader is presently explaining what his side hopes to do to limit the Prime Minister’s power to request prorogation. Here would seem to be the gist.

To prevent future abuses of prorogation, the Liberal Party of Canada will seek to amend the Standing Orders of the House of Commons to:

•  Require at least 10 days written notice from the Prime Minister of his intention to seek to prorogue, together with his specific reasons for doing so;
•  Require the Prime Minister to bring the issue of prorogation before the House of Commons for a full debate;
•  Prevent a request for prorogation within the first year after a Speech from the Throne, unless the House consents;
•  Prevent a prorogation longer than one calendar month without the consent of the House;
•  Prevent a request for prorogation if a matter of confidence has been scheduled in the House unless the House consents; and,
•  Allow Parliamentary Committees to continue to function during the period when Parliament is prorogued until the start of the new session.