Scott Feschuk

Scott Feschuk

Scott Feschuk is a columnist for Maclean's and Sportsnet magazines. He writes speeches for business leaders and politicians of varied political stripes. A three-time winner of the Gold award for Humour at the National Magazine Awards, he is the author most recently of The Future and Why We Should Avoid It (Douglas & McIntyre).
President Trump Speaks On Tax Reform At The Indiana State Fairgrounds And Event Center
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Scott Feschuk unpacks Donald Trump’s totally awesome just-trust-me tax plan

First point of the new tax plan: ‘I don’t know what I’m doing. I don’t know that I don’t know what I’m doing.’

With robots, humanity can meet its full potential: unlimited napping

Feschuk: Will robots really allow us to flourish, or will we just sink deeper as a species into the couch?
President Trump Addresses The Nation On Strategy In Afghanistan And South Asia From Fort Myer In Arlington
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The bad poetry of Donald Trump, Vol. 6

Who knew Donald Trump was a poet? Scott Feschuk, that’s who. We present our latest curated collection of presidential poetry.
President Trump Addresses The Nation On Strategy In Afghanistan And South Asia From Fort Myer In Arlington
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What ’Teleprompter Trump’ really meant to say was...

Scott Feschuk reads between the lines of Trump’s Afghanistan address, and finds the robot from ’Lost in Space’ is a more natural orator
Donald Trump Addresses Faith and Freedom Coalition “Road to Majority” Conf.
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Donald Trump on what really caused the solar eclipse

North Korea? A James Bond villain? Scott Feschuk channels the U.S. President in theorizing about Monday’s mysterious sun-blocker.
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Predicting Donald Trump’s approval rating until 2020

Scott Feschuk looks into the future at the highs and lows of Trump’s popularity, from a Putin slumber party to actually shooting a man on Fifth Avenue
(Photo Illustration by Lauren Cattermole and Heshmat Saberi)
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A middle-aged, out-of-shape man’s guide to starting to run

Scott Feschuk takes up jogging, and lives to tell the tale—just barely
U.S. President Donald Trump waves after delivering remarks at the 2017 National Scout Jamboree in Summit Bechtel National Scout Reserve, West Virginia, U.S.,
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Boy Scouts of America, Donald Trump has something insane to tell you

Scott Feschuk reads between the lines of Donald Trump’s bizarre speech to the National Scout Jamboree
Donald Trump Addresses Faith and Freedom Coalition “Road to Majority” Conf.
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The bad poetry of Donald Trump, Vol. 5

Scott Feschuk unlocks the poetry in Donald Trump’s recent speeches