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(Catherine Ledner/Getty Images)

Debating the pros and cons of Daylight Saving Time

Ahead of the end of this year’s daylight saving on Nov. 7, Shannon Proudfoot breaks down the pros and cons of the increasingly unpopular practice

Year One: The untold story of the pandemic in Canada

In March of 2020, Canadians started dying of COVID-19 and the country shut down. This is a comprehensive report on the country’s mishandling of the crisis of the century.
A message board over a highway in Halifax on Tuesday, April 21, 2020. (Darren Calabrese)

Chapter One: A danger dawns

Chilling rumours of an ’undiagnosed pneumonia’ in China, confusing health advice and a world in complete lockdown. This is the first chapter in the untold story of the pandemic in Canada.

Maclean’s wins four National Magazine Awards

Editor-in-chief Alison Uncles was named top editor, and Maclean’s also took home awards for Humboldt coverage and best website

Maclean’s writers nominated for National Magazine Awards

Maclean’s staff are up for nine National Magazine Awards and six Digital Publishing Awards, which will be handed out later this month