Canada’s rank among solar powers
Germany has set a new record for solar power output—22.68 gigawatts is the new number to beat.
California also set its own solar power production record; but at 1,790 megawatts, it pales in comparison to Germany’s new numbers.
CA Grid reached a new solar generation peak of 1,790 MW @ 13:48 on April 18, 2013…
— California ISO (@CalifornialSO) April 19, 2013
It’s fairly well known that Germany is in its own league when it comes to clean energy (in fact, for a brief period last Thursday, solar and wind power output together provided about half of all Germany’s electricity). But how does the rest of the world compare? Check out the infographic below to see where Canada ranks in comparison (and how many trips Germany can now take in the DeLorean time machine!)
NOTE: The graphic is based on data published by Zachary Shahan at, so head over to this link if you want to see more states/countries than those included in the infographic.