Brian Topp picks up the support of Yvon Godin and Alan Giguere, his second and third caucus endorsements respectively.
Mr. Giguère said he is does not believe that Mr. Mulcair has the team and the profile to boost the NDP’s presence outside Quebec, which is essential to eventually forming the next government. “We must win 100 ridings in the next election, these 100 ridings will not come from Quebec,” Mr. Giguère said, saying he is not aware of Mr. Mulcair’s organization outside his home province.
Asked whether Mr. Mulcair is up to the job, Mr. Giguère said: “Not in English Canada. Brian is much better positioned to do this.”
For his part, Mr. Mulcair continues to flirt with a run: simultaneously lamenting for his odds and boasting of his support.