

BlackBerry director Matt Johnson on creating the buzziest new film in Canadian cinema

To tell the story of a fallen tech giant, he channelled his inner Dolly Parton
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Q&A: BlackBerry’s Jay Baruchel loves movies, weed and his now-obsolete phone

The Montreal native’s latest film chronicles one of the country’s most epic business success stories. Baruchel’s own life story is the stuff of cinema, too.
People walk on the sidewalk at the Blackberry campus in Waterloo

In a bid to save itself, BlackBerry to stop making BlackBerrys

The end of physical-phone manufacturing seems like doomsday for the Waterloo, Ont. company—but it may just pay off
Dollar Markets 20160104

A surefire made-in-Canada way to lose $650 billion

Here’s a stock tip Valeant investors should have heeded: If a company that’s not a bank becomes the largest in Canada, run!
People walk on the sidewalk at the Blackberry campus in Waterloo

Tracing the BlackBerry diaspora

BlackBerry’s workforce has shrunk dramatically since 2011. Here’s where a lot of those people went.
Trashed Blackberry phones sit in a bucket during the NBC Today Show in New York

BlackBerry blow-up: How a leadership rift ripped RIM apart

An excerpt of ’Losing the Signal: The Spectacular Rise and Fall of BlackBerry,’ on the fatal division between Mike Lazaridis and Jim Balsillie

Cover story preview: Selling the North

For Jim Balsillie, finding the Franklin expedition was the beginning of bigger goals in the Arctic

The changing world of tech

March 30: The tech world is getting a shake up, from the end of Future Shop to a rise in gender discrimination trials

It’s BlackBerry’s no-good, very bad, possibly good, day

March 27: The mobile maker reports Q4 profits, plus, Stephen Poloz goes to London, live-streaming your life, and the rise of the "sand mafia"
U.S. President Obama leaves a lectern at the White House in Washington after delivering a statement regarding air strikes on Islamic State positions in Syria

Obama’s Blackberry great for security—not so much for fun

As he told Jimmy Kimmel, the president doesn’t even text.