
Bill holds a virtual press conference in Ottawa on June 21, 2021 (Sean Kilpatrick/CP)

Ending solitary confinement in Canada’s prisons, take 2

Justin Ling: Ottawa is reappointing an expert panel—disbanded a year ago because it couldn’t do its work—to study the unconstitutional use of solitary confinement in prisons
Medium security range at Stony Mountain Institution in Stony Mountain, Manitoba (Correctional Services Canada/Flickr)

Houses of hate: How Canada’s prison system is broken

Justin Ling: Dangerous, racist and falling apart. By nearly every metric, the nation’s penal system is not just failing, it’s making things worse.

The beat cop who lends an ear to criminals

’As police, we are not dealing with good or bad people. We’re just dealing with people, many in a bad situation, with horrendous circumstances in their life.’
Dentist with microscope glasses during a root canal intervention

Women need health and dental care to stay out of prison

A new study reveals that basic health care, both in prison and on release, is essential to ensure successful reintegration into society

Why Adam Capay spent 1,560 days in solitary

From 2016: The UN would call Adam Capay’s treatment torture. In a Canadian prison, he was just another inmate in segregation.
A juvenile in solitary confinement. (Richard Ross/

Why do we still put young people in solitary confinement?

A new Ontario report shows how isolation for jailed youth can be dehumanizing and riddled with legal violations. How do we fix it?